The assassination attempt on President Joe Biden was not just an attack on him personally, but an attack on all of Western Democracy. And by extension: on the climate, on African Americans, Latinxos, drag queens, violent repeat offenders, transsexuals and last but not least: ”women’s” reproductive rights.
A terrible day for America – and for the world.
Extreme MAGA Republicans now mourn, openly, shamelessly, that the shooter failed in his effort to kill Biden. They openly admit they would have wanted him to die. Let us never forget this: the open mockery; the contempt for basic humanity.
They would have danced on Biden’s grave had the perpetrator been successful.
…no doubt along with leading Republicans.
These people are ghouls.
They talk about the importance of law and order, they claim they want ”justice”, while simultaneously celebrating violence and lawlessness. Their audacity knows no boundaries. The shooter is said to be a Democrat. That may be true, but it means nothing in the larger context. Any person can register for any party at any time, just like Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver. But now these sad excuses for human beings will do and say anything to put the blame on Democrats for what happened — and on Joe Biden (!). Even now, before the blood has even dried, Biden is accused of having contributed to a ”toxic debate”. FOX News and others are trying to pin the attempted murder of Joe Biden –on the victim!
According to them it was his own fault that he was shot. He is also criticized for his initial reaction to someone trying to kill him; for shouting “NO NATIONS! NO BORDERS!” to his fans. And then: "TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS!". And then: “GARBLE-GOORBLE-GURBLE! NO JOKE! BUT ANYWAY… HERE’S THE DEAL!”
Too soon? Too on the nose? In bad taste?
Yes. Perhaps.
But the man was in shock. Anyone could have screamed incoherent stuff like that after being shot in the head. And it WAS in the head, mind you. Not "just in the ear" as the heartless commentators on the ultra-extreme MAGA-right now claim.
Listen folks.
Joe Biden is a hero.
He could have lived out his last years on the golf course, at various luxury resorts. He could have made sweet love to his charming, eloquent wife. He and Hunter could have gone on a road trip to Vegas. To Tijuana. Joe could have sniffed the hair of a thousand children. He could have traveled all over the country and visited any day care center of his choosing; listened to alluring bedtime stories during Drag Queen Story Hour. He could have done all of this and enjoyed a safe and comfortable life. But he chose to selflessly put himself in harm’s way and to tirelessly fight for what he believes in. He dedicated his life to the task of making sure that tens of thousands of Honduran drug dealers now have a new life, a new chance, in America.
Potential voters.
Let us never forget that.
Joe Biden is a modern folk hero, right up there with Lincoln, Ghandi, Lennon, the Kennedy's, Dimebag Darrell and to a lesser extent Ronald Reagan who also took an unlucky tumble after, clumsily, walking straight into a bullet from a mentally ill young man who was probably born into poverty and had the odds stacked against him since the day he was born.
But anyway…
What happens now?
Well, naturally, we must all help to rebuild a better and kinder society. Donald Trump should gracefully step aside and let Joe Biden be president for life. The GOP should disband and FOX News too.
Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson should be incarcerated.
Elon Musk expelled, Twitter seized.
This isn’t funny anymore and any decent, rational human being needs to ask herself:
”Am I on the right side of history? Have I been wrong all along? Was up really down? Black really white? Was FOX lying? Was CNN telling the truth? Have I – in actuality – been an arrogant, conceited, pompous, hypocritical asshole all along?”
I think we all know the answer to that question.
Kommentarer till artiklar förhandsgranskas inte av redaktionen och är inte att betrakta som redaktionellt material. Du är själv juridiskt ansvarig för det du skriver i kommentarsfältet.
Tack! Hyckleriet är monumentalt (igen, igen och igen).
På något sätt känns Jens alternativa universum ännu mer trovärdigt än det vi ser omkring oss, tom lite mindre motbjudande. Hur är det möjligt att politiken och media orkar vara så genomfalska och korrupta? Hoppas någon vänsterkramare blev kränkt.